Number of Volumes | 1 |
Number of Issues | 3 |
Number of Articles | 15 |
Number of Contributors | 33 |
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Number of Submissions | 27 |
Time to Accept (Days) | 54 |
Number of Indexing Databases | 1 |
Number of Reviewers | 39 |
SPECTRUM Journal of Social Science (Abbreviation: SPECTRUM) is a quarterly, academic publication by the Association for Scientific Publishing and Research – ASPUR. SPECTRUM Journal of Social Science is a medium for global academics to exchange and disseminate their knowledge as well as the latest discoveries and advances in the fileds of social scienes. SPECTRUM Journal of Social Science follows a open access policy under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International public license (Open Access Statement). We do not charge authors for any submission or processing fees. Submitted manuscripts are peer-reviewed by the Editorial Board and 2 "blind peer" reviewers of SPECTRUM Journal of Social Science before acceptance for publication.
To submit a new manuscript, please start by reading the journal’s instructions for authors.
*Publication process of manuscripts submitted to SPECTRUM Journal of Social Science is free of charge.
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Pages 67-72
Samikshya Madhukullya, Anwesha Hazarika, Anurag Hazarika
Pages 73-78
Abhisek Sah, Sakshi Munoth
Pages 79-94
Festus Sunday Aneke, Sule Ja’afaru Garba
Pages 95-104
Arvin Kim Joshua C. Marmol, Nomelita Lo
Pages 105-114
Rita Baruwal, Sajana Devkota, Manoj Naunyal